Rhino 1.5R4

Table of contents

  1. Rhino debug API changes
  2. WrapFactory introduced, WrapHandler deprecated
  3. New security interfaces
  4. Serialization changes
  5. Regular expressions improvements
  6. Scripting of classes from any class loader
  7. Shell function to run external processes.
  8. Resolved Bugzilla reports

This is a log of changes since the release of Rhino 1.5 Release 3.

Rhino debug API changes

A new, incompatible Rhino debug API gives an option to monitor entering/leaving of script functions while decreasing the amount of code to implement the API in the Rhino core. Details are available here. With the new API Rhino Debugger provides options to break on function enter/exit, can debug scripts defined by eval and Function construction and scripts loaded prior the debugger were started.

WrapFactory introduced, WrapHandler deprecated

A design flaw in the WrapHandler interface (a call to a Java contructor from JavaScript would result in a call to wrap the result, which would then be cast to a Scriptable) inspired the deprecation of that interface and the introduction of a new class, WrapFactory, that contains a new method called on the result of a constructor call and can be customized by application if necessary. In addition, WrapFactory has the new setJavaPrimitiveWrap method to control if instances of Java String and Number class should be wrapped to special script objects as any other Java objects so a script can access any method String and Number, or they should be converted to JavaScript primitive strings and numbers.

New security interfaces

Igor Bukanov contributed a new security implementation that allows integration with Java2 security model and prevents scripts to escape the security sandbox via eval/Function schemes.

Due to this changes SecuritySupport interface is replaced by ClassShutter and SecurityController, where ClassShutter controls which classes are visible to scripts via LiveConnect and SecurityController provides permission management. For compatibility SecuritySupport is still available as a deprecated interface but only its visibleToScripts method is used as an alias for ClassShutter.visibleToScripts. See API documentation for new classes for details.

An implementation of SecurityController that uses java policy settings to restrict script permissions based on its URL is available with Rhino shell. See the JavaPolicySecurity source for details. To activate it, set the rhino.use_java_policy_security system property to true when invoking Rhino shell together with installing a security manager.

Serialization changes

Due to changes in Rhino implementation and bug fixes in serialization support runtime data serialized in Rhino 1.5 Release 3 can not be read back in the Release 4.

Regular expressions improvements

Roger Lawrence provided new regular expressions implementation which fully confirms to EcmaScript 262 standard and faster.

Scripting of classes from any class loader

Christopher Oliver contributed code to allow to use the Packages object as a constructor taking a class loader argument so a script can access classes defined by that class loader. For example, to access classes from foo.jar file in the current directory, the following can be used:

// create class loader
var loader = new java.net.URLClassLoader([new java.net.URL("file:./foo.jar")]);
// create its LiveConnect wrapper
var fooJar = new Packages(loader);
// create an instance of the class For from foo.jar
var obj = new fooJar.Foo(1, 2, 3);

Shell function to run external processes.

A new runCommand function is added to Rhino Shell to run external priocesses. For details, see runCommand

Resolved Bugzilla reports

The following Rhino reports in Bugzilla where resolved for Rhino 1.5 Release 4.

  • 61579 context.decompileScript doesn’t work.
  • 72021 The ScriptRuntime class tries to convert even the String values to JavaNativeObject
  • 83051 A function defined under a with block can’t be invoked outside it
  • 104089 Cannot reattach context to its thread because of the bug in Context class
  • 105438 SourceName and lineNumbers of syntax errors in Javascript files not dispalyed.
  • 106548 /^.*?$/ will not match anything
  • 114583 script compile/decompile bug
  • 114969 [], [^] are valid RegExp conditions
  • 115717 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on with/try/finally
  • 120194 JS toInt32(x) conversion doesn’t match ECMAScript definition
  • 122167 string.replace() placeholder ‘$1’ not working
  • 123439 Backreferences /(a)? etc./ must hold undefined if not used
  • 124508 regexp.lastIndex should be integer-valued double, not uint32
  • 124900 arguments object storing duplicate parameter values
  • 125562 Regexp performance improvement
  • 126317 Crash on re.exec(str) if re.lastIndex set to certain values
  • 126722 (undefined === null) evaluating to true in Rhino compiled mode
  • 128468 java.io.NotSerializableException: org.mozilla.javascript.NativeError
  • 129365 Incorrect licensing in dtoa.java
  • 132217 delete on global function should not delete the function
  • 136893 Rhino treatment of for(i in undefined), for(i in null)
  • 137181 delete on an arguments[i] not working correctly
  • 145791 ECMA conformance: Function.prototype.apply(), Function.prototype.call()
  • 149285 Complier does not report the correct line number on SyntaxError:Invalid assignment left-hand side.
  • 151337 EcmaError.getLineSource() returns 0x0 characters.
  • 153223 New RegExp engine in Rhino
  • 154693 Interpreted mode doesn’t grok different functions on different objects
  • 156510 for (i in undefined) {} should not throw TypeError
  • 157196 ScriptableObject needs custom serialization implementation
  • 157509 No error on invalid usage of \ in identifiers
  • 158159 Should Rhino support octal escape sequences in regexps?
  • 159334 The javascript functions size is limited by a bug
  • 164947 Debugging unique.js produce a stack trace and erratic results
  • 166530 ClassCostException in FunctionObject static initializer
  • 169830 Array.concat(function) doesn’t add function to the array
  • 173180 Rhino UTF-8 decoder accepts overlong sequences
  • 173906 Dynamic scope not working correctly with optimzation level >= 1
  • 175383 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in string.replace()
  • 177314 Rhino should allow ‘\400’ to mean ‘ 0’
  • 179068 String literals in Rhino are limited to 64K
  • 179366 –> after whitespace after line start should mean comments to line end
  • 181654 Calling toString for an object derived from the Error class throws TypeError
  • 181834 wrong scope used for inner functions when compiling functions with dynamic scopes (interpreted only)
  • 181909 some regression tests for Error invalid
  • 182028 Calling has() in get() of a ScriptableObject causes getter function to not be called
  • 184107 with(…) { function f …} should set f in the global scope
  • 184111 ArrayOutOfBounds Exception thrown when using Rhino Javascript Debugger
  • 185165 Decompilation of “\” gives broken “"
  • 189183 Debugger source frame window layering fix
  • 189898 Broken String.replace: “XaXY”.replace(“XY”, “–”) gives –aXY

Table of contents